Background (116-030-07-1) Ted and Sivan
The patient, a professor of Holocaust studies and the only child of scarred Holocaust survivors, has just completed a negative cardiac work-up (heart ECHO and ergometry ) after a few episodes of atypical chest complaints. The purpose of the visit is to review the results with his doctor, but he also plans to consult with her on some intimate personal matters.
The action
In the small talk at the beginning of the interview its noted that, entirely by coincidence, the day is Holocaust Rememberance Day. The patient then shares his own personal connection to that period. The doctor accepts and respects his personal musings and then transitions to talk about his symptoms.
Educational opportunities
- This clip can be used to demonstrate the “Significance” element of CASE in general, and specifically to trigger a discussion on how the information in this clip could help the doctor understand the patient better and treat him better.
- It can also demonstrate how sometimes we are handed such elements of CASE on proverbial silver. For discussion: when, why and how should one respond to such revelations?